Gold Coast Vacation Care

Gold Coast Vacation Care In Your Own House ‘Mum, I don’t want to go to Gold Coast Vacation Care today!’ Sound familiar?? Its 7am on the sunny Gold Coast, your kids are still in bed and you need to be at work in less than 2 hours! Gold Coast school holidays have started, your children just want to sleep in, laze around the house, not have to be anywhere but you need to be at work by 9! Not only do you need to be at work at 9, you need to make sure your little darlings are up early, had breakfast, dressed, lunches packed and ready for the day before you drop them off at a friend’s house or to Vacation Care. By the time you get the kids to where they need to be and get yourself to work, you’re exhausted! Coastal Babysitters can provide a solution…. Gold Coast Vacation Care to your doorstep… Did you know that our babysitters only charge $25/hr for up to 2 children and $30/hr for up to 5 children. ($28.60 booking fee also applies) Why not combine families that both parents need to work? This Gold Coast vacation care option can work out cheaper than any other Gold Coast childcare option and you don’t have to drop of pick up your children from anywhere! Imagine only having to get yourself ready and walk out the door! We come to your home! The kids are still sleeping…. let them, we can get them ready once they wake up. If the children want to go to the beach, we can take them. The children want to stay home and play, let us take care of them without you having to worry. We can take them on an excursion, anywhere on the Gold Coast. All our Gold Coast babysitters have their Blue Card, First Aid and CPR Certificate and are either mums themselves or have at least 3years experience in childcare. For more information or to book, phone us on 1300 229 877 or visit our website