Don’t have kids so not sure you want any kids at your big day?
Or, you have kids but not sure you want other’s to bring their kids?
Or do you just give in and have all the kids there taking over your wedding day and have their parents run around after them and not getting to enjoy themselves?
We are covering absolutely all of these scenarios with Manage My Wedding, on their podcast. You can listen here: (Do I Want Kids At My Wedding? With Guest Coastal Babysitters MMW 172 – Manage My Wedding)
We discuss:
- Why kids at weddings are actually more fun than couples realise and how to ensure they aren’t under your feet the whole time
- If your guests are travelling why you shouldn’t feel forced into having kids at your wedding and the easiest way to ensure everyone is comfortable with their kids safety during your wedding
- The options for not having kids at your wedding or maybe just having them for one small part and what you can do for the rest of the day
- Some fun ideas that have been done at weddings for kids and keeping them entertained and happy.
- Coastal Babysitters #1 wedding tip
There is an option for kids or no kids and it’s much easier than you are probably stressing over.
You can book Coastal Babysitters for your wedding HERE https://coastalbabysitters.com.au/weddings