Gold Coast Mums! We all know how important it is for us mums to have some ‘adult’ time without the kids in order to be the best version of ourselves. If you’re thinking ‘how am I supposed to do this when i don’t know anyone in the area or what am I supposed to do with my kids’? This networking event held by LOL mums every third Wednesday of the month, is the perfect solution.
Coastal Babysitters will be there to look after your children and make sure they are entertained, rested and happy so you do not need to worry about them and can enjoy yourselves for the whole 3 hours. Not only this, you will have the chance to meet like minded mums from all around the Gold Coast. The first event will be at RACV Royal Pines Resort and we are looking forward to meeting you and your little ones.
In the meantime, join the Facebook page @LOLmums for more information and below is a BLOG post from Monster Spray Mum.

I searched google “mums networking group” about a week ago looking for other like minded mums. What I found was nothing! I found a lot of mum’s networking groups but the biggest thing was I could not attend with kids? I’m a mum therefore I have kids, what do I do with my kids so I can attend the group?
I have discovered from personal experience, that being at home for lengthy periods, with your kids, can drive you nuts. You know the old saying that “it takes a village to raise a child” well they are right. Because Mum (or the full time carer) does need support to raise that child & more so, if that Mum has more than one child. Mum’s need other Mum’s and grown up conversation to keep them sane. We, as a community, need to support mums and encourage children’s need for social interaction, for them to grow into wonderful, well rounded leaders of the future. Staying at home and being insular, is not the answer for either Mum or Child.
I was disturbed by this, enough to do something about it. I am starting a group called LOL Mum’s. LOL to our group stands for Labour Of Love (& also laughing out loud is encouraged loads at our event). It was beautifully coined by a friend of mine’s amazing Mum, that is struggling with her health at the moment, while discussing this topic in hospital with her.
So what do ladies love to do: Dress Up, Lunch, Shop & Be Inspired! So this is what we are going to do.
On the third Wednesday of every month, we will host an event for you all to dress up and attend, with your kids!
Yes with your Kids! I can hear the “oh with the kids?” but wait there’s more…. We have organised, that the kids be fed, watered and entertained in the adjoining room. We have fully qualified sitters that can look after your kids for the three hours, weather they need to sleep or be entertained the sitters can handle it. Also they are just next door, so you can always check in, if you feel you need to.
It will be an intimate (25 attendees maximum) lunch time event from 11am until 2pm – Somewhere swanky with fabulous parking, so it feels like you are on holidays, even if its only for three hours.
We will be encouraging all attendees to bring your pre-loved clothes (so clean our those cupboards and bring along anything that doesn’t fit for both kids and ladies) so we can add them to racks for a clothes swap. Free Shopping – Gota love that! With any clothes left over we will donate them to charity.
We will also have the best motivational speakers from Nutritionists, Kid Ranglers, EFT Specialists, Mum Friendly Fitness Experts, Life Coaches, Financial Advisers, Mumpreneurs and the list goes on!
I believe, that with a little bit more “village” behind our Mum’s, it will make our “village” a much better place for everyone.
I have a Facebook page set up and ready to join. Join our Facebook page to see the locations or if you have a location please suggest it on that page. Please express your interest through our Facebook page (simply search) @lolmums or you can contact me directly on [email protected]
I am looking forward to meeting some of you on the 20th September 2017 for our Launch Lunch