Guest Post: A Mothers Day Message ❤️

A Mother’s Day Message…. Recently, on the Gold Coast, I watched Lilo and Stitch with my son, we had seen it before but not for a year or so and he’s only 6.5 now, so I guess he’s grown up a fair bit since then. This was always one of my favourite movies, right from the day I saw it in the cinemas with my nephew when I was about 16. The message in the movie has never grown old for me, but to be honest, lately I have been starting to worry my son didn’t really have feelings like that, or feel emotion about things like I do. But realistically, I think I am a bit of a sook in movies. I have a wonderful partner, who is caring and supportive and kind. But he isn’t my son’s father, I am divorced. And even though I know we have a wonderful life, there are days where I don’t quite feel like we fit in. It has been difficult to explain to Lennox that he does have a dad, but that we just don’t see him and it makes for an often awkward conversation. Especially when he announces it to the father next to us in craft class one day “I have a dad, I used to see him, but I don’t anymore. He isn’t well. But he loves me…” talk about awkward – I couldn’t finish colouring my magnet in fast enough to escape back to our cabin. When I ran back crying to my partner, he simply rubbed my back and said – “I’m sure the father probably thought it was funny – don’t worry baby”. You may be wondering where I am going with this. Try and stay with me. So – this movie, just in case you haven’t seen it is about an alien, Stitch, built for destruction, who escapes to earth on a spaceship fleeing alien gaol. He winds up in a pound and gets adopted by Lilo, a young Hawaiian girl and her sister, Nani. Their family had died in an accident and now Nani was trying her best to raise a very boisterous young Lilo. Stitch, trying to escape capture, plays along acting like her new adopted dog. The relationship is a disaster, but Lilo persists with Stitch, trying everything to help assimilate him into her life with Nani. But he continues to only make their lives worse and the threat of child services taking away Lilo becomes more and more real. Stitch doesn’t like Lilo, but as he gets to know her and sees the beauty of her relationship with her sister Nani and hears the sad story of their past, he begins to feel a longing for a family of his own. He feels alone, as though he does not belong. For the most part stitch, the naughty, hot-headed gremlin, reminds me of my son. He is the most wonderful, beautiful, devilish child. And the way he feels lost reminds of the way my son looks, when Father’s Day swings around, or when he asks me if my partner and I can get married, so he can call him ‘Dad’. But as the movies progresses, Stitch starts to love Lilo and realises that he could maybe find a home with them, a place he never imagined he would want to stay. Just as he is about to be caught and he has left the lives of Lilo and Nani in tatters, he announces himself as the alien that he is and hands himself in. But before boarding the alien ship, captured, he stops to say goodbye to Lilo. And he says: “Ohana means family. Family means never getting left behind, or forgotten. This is my family. It is small and broken, but still good…” And just as I burst into uncontrollable tears, I look down at my Stitch like child, there he is sobbing uncontrollably right beside me. At first, I was relieved, but then I thought about it. I don’t need to feel like I don’t fit in, just because our family isn’t the same as everyone else. Our family might be broken, but it is still good. We have each other, and now we have my partner and we are perfect just the way we are. So, this Mothers Day, I am going to be thankful for the perfect family I have. Different? Yes. Crazy? Sometimes. But a family all the same. Maybe your family looks different to mine, maybe your family doesn’t have a mum, maybe it has two. Maybe it doesn’t have any parents at all, maybe just grandparents or step parents or maybe you live in a family with everyone, even aunties and uncle’s. But whatever size or shape your family is this Mother’s Day, be proud of it and be happy. Because it doesn’t matter what your family looks like, or if it’s a little bit broken, like mine, all that matters is that there is love. Happy Mothers Day! Thank you to the lovely Shannon for sharing her story with us and I know there are many families that are not the “traditional” family structure, but all the same, still a family and still perfect ❤️ ❤️❤️ We hope every single one of you mums out there have an amazing Mothers Day ❤️❤️
A Preparation Guide for Soon-to-be-Parents with a Disability

A Preparation Guide for Soon-to-be-Parents with a Disability No parent will tell you that raising children is easy. Once you get past the round-the-clock service in the baby phase, you will have toddlers who are learning how to eat, speak, and use the bathroom by themselves. Soon after, you’ll have children with boundless energy and busy schedules. Then there’s everything else to worry about — school, finances, safety, teaching life lessons, making sure you’re doing right by them, and raising good people who will become functioning adults. Childrearing is hard enough for any parent, but parents with disabilities run into a different set of challenges. The physical aspect of parenting comes with its own circumstances that might be limiting for disabled parents, but you can work around it by planning ahead and finding solutions that work for the whole family. Use Your Support Network There are many ways to tap into a support network for both parenting and disability assistance. Having a child is not cheap for anyone, so make sure you look into all of the resources that are available to you. Check out Centrelink to see if you qualify for social security benefits and government assistance. In addition to government financial assistance, there are community programs and organizations that provide support and resources for your needs. Look for support groups and playgroups in your area so you can meet other families. This is also a good time to garner the support of friends and family. Interdependence is a reality for your situation, and you shouldn’t hesitate to lean on others to help your family thrive. Getting Around Children need transportation to school, appointments, and various activities. The reality for many parents with disabilities is that they don’t drive. If you’re unable to drive them yourself, set up carpools with other families or send them to school on a bus that picks up in your neighborhood. There are also taxi services for kids, such as Sydney-based Stretch Ride, which will transport them safely when their parents can’t drive. If your disability has you in a wheelchair, you’ll need a way to push a baby in a stroller. The solution for getting around is using wheels on wheels, where strollers can be attached to the wheelchair for mum and baby to get around together. Prepare Your Home Your home is one of the most important preparations to make for an expanding family. Living with a disability means making the home safe and accessible. Create an accessible home by installing wider doorways and hallways, ramps instead of steps, safety handlebars along the walls and in the bathroom, and skid-resistant flooring to prevent slips. Remove the carpet and rugs that create uneven surfaces. These are modifications that can be made in your home with or without the presence of children. When the children come along, you’re looking at home modifications that make parenting easier too. Children often leave toys everywhere, so to prevent yourself from tripping, keep their play space contained to a dedicated area that can get as messy as their little hearts desire. Separating their play space from the rest of the house will make cleanup easier for you and keep the ground safer for both you and your children. Outside play areas should be kept on paved ground for ease of movement when you’re supervising play. The kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms can also be made accessible for your eye level and arm’s reach. This ensures that you can take care of your children without having to struggle with mobility limitations. There is no right or wrong way to make your life easier while parenting with a disability. Your plan will be different than the next person’s, so focus on what works for you. And as they all say, you can never be prepared enough for a baby. You learn as you go, and you find solutions to challenges as they arise. You can make these suggested preparations, but be willing to improvise so you can do what’s best for your family. Photo Credit: Pixabay Article by Ashley Taylor – If you’d like to know more, you can contact Ashley here: [email protected]
Importance of a Great Bedtime Routine

The Importance of a Great Bedtime Routine by Deb Hepplewhite, Infant and Child Sleep Consultant at Baby Slumberland My Name is Deb and I am a Certified Infant + Child Sleep Consultant and I am a Mum myself to two boys aged 3 and 4. I connected with Orly from Coastal Babysitters about writing a guest blog piece to provide some information to her followers on infant and child sleep. Now, the information that I could give you on this topic could keep you reading for some time, so I have chosen one of the most important elements to help with your child’s sleep, which is the importance of a great bedtime routine. I hope you enjoy reading the piece and that you are able to take this information and adapt it within your own household. Having a great consistent bedtime routine can help set the tone for great consolidated night-time sleep for your child. Each element within a bedtime routine will help relax your child for bed and gradually prepare them for sleep. In this post, I will go through each element of the bedtime routine, and why they are effective in each individual way. Timing is probably the most important part of a bedtime routine, the time in which your child goes to bed can make it so much easier for them to fall asleep or conversely if the timing isn’t quite right, it can make it quite difficult for them to settle. Naturally through our Circadian Rhythm babies and children have a melatonin rise which starts to happen at 6-7pm in the evening. Melatonin is the sleep hormone responsible for helping us get to sleep initially and then also get us into a restful and deep sleep. If we can aim to have our children in bed around 6-7pm you can catch this Melatonin ‘wave’ and it will make it so much easier for your babe to fall asleep. If we miss this melatonin wave and your child goes into the realm of overtiredness then several things happen that make it really difficult for them to fall asleep. Cortisol levels rise, their adrenals glads will be high functioning and their sensory system will be overloaded and they will seem very ‘hyper’. Once in this state, it makes it really difficult for them to switch off and get into a relaxed state for sleep to take over. There will be crying, they will seem unsettled, fidgety and they will often wake very upset between the hours of 6pm and 11pm. That is why timing is so important and if you can pop your child to bed before they have reached this overtired state, it will be much easier for them to settle initially and also get into a deep sleep. What time your child has dinner can help your timing or it can also make things a little harder. Making sure you give your child dinner at an appropriate time that also gives you plenty of space to have a nice relaxing bath is essential, ideally you don’t want that time to be rushed or hectic. The reason why we give a bath is to simulate the natural core body temperature drop that happens right before you go to sleep. This happens naturally within your body at the onset of sleep, so by giving a bath just before bedtime, this will help encourage this and simulate the effect it has at the onset of sleep. Once your child has had a lovely relaxing bath, taking them into their bedroom for the next part of the routine is really important. Keeping things calm and relaxed will help them wind down for sleep, so that means no tickle sessions Dad! I say Dad’s because they are usually the ones who decide to have a full on tickle fight and hype the kids up right before sleep. Or the well-meaning Grandparent, who at a family gathering decides to hype the kids up, right as they are saying goodnight. I love these interactions it really is so sweet, as long as it isn’t happening every night right before they go to sleep, keeping things calm and relaxed is key. Once you have changed your bub into some nice comfy Pyjamas, keep the lights dimmed and offer a feed (if this is age appropriate). Keeping this feed slightly separated from actually going to sleep will help babies understand that feeding isn’t directly related to the actual sleep onset, which will in turn help with any overnight re-settles. The next step can change to suit your child’s temperament and their age, if under 6 months some calming soft nursery rhymes can be great, or reading a story to older children. Reading is fantastic for a child’s development and is a great addition to your bedtime routine. I love listening to hubby read my boys a story before bed, Dr Suess is a favourite in our household and listening to my hubby get the tongue twisting Dr Suess tales out gives me a bit of a giggle. Also remembering to brush your child’s teeth around this time is quite crucial, whether that be whilst you read a story or in between books. Having milk sitting on a child’s teeth can be damaging to their developing mouth so brushing is always a must. For very small babies who don’t have teeth and aren’t brushing yet, you would obviously skip this step. For babies 6 months and up just letting them have a toothbrush to chew on while you read a story to instil that tooth brushing element (without toothpaste of course) is great too. Once the story is read and teeth are brushed, its time to sing a quiet song or say your sleepy phrase. Keeping this consistent is a great idea so that your child knows what is to come next. A simple “ok Harry it’s time for bed now” or Incy wincy spider is always a favourite. I’m
Guest Blog: Why Do Children Need to Exercise?

Why Do Children Need to Exercise? We are often told that kids need to spend less time on their computers/screens and get outside and exercise more. The Australian Government recommend that children aged between 5-12 years should perform at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day, and participate in resistance training at least three times a week. But do children really need to exercise? They may walk to school, play with their friends at break times, and have a particular sport they participate in on the week end … you may be thinking isn’t this enough? While this is a great starting point, there are several reasons why it is important for kids to engage in more structured moderate to vigorous exercise during childhood: 1- Decrease the risk of obesity and chronic health conditions. Promoting exercise in childhood lowers a child’s risk of developing chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease later in life, as well as helping to develop healthy life long habits from a young age. 2- Develop strong bones and muscles. Resistance or strength training commenced early in life promotes improved bone density and lowers the risk of conditions, such as osteoporosis as children age. Importantly, strength training does not mean lifting heavy weights in a gym setting. Instead, children should be encouraged to participate in activities such as running, jumping and skipping which place increased pressure on the bones and muscles. 3- Reduce the chance of injury. Regular movement and activity decreases the chance of injuries related to sedentary and sustained postures (e.g. from sitting at a computer), as well as improving muscle strength to protect joints and ligaments. 4- Improved self-esteem and body image. Regular exercise and participation in team sports has been shown to result in an increased sense of self-esteem, body image and the development of long lasting friendships. How do I Encourage my Child to be Active? Place an emphasis on fun, and find an activity that your child enjoys. Some sports / activities that you may not have thought of include taekwondo, gymnastics, surf life saving / nippers, and indoor rock climbing and trampolining. Get creative and become active with your child, whether it is playing in the park, taking them to the pool or dancing to music. Find ways to include incidental exercise in to your everyday life. For example, leave the car at home and walk to school with your child, or ride your bike to the park. When the time is right consider introducing your child to a sport or structured activity to build friendships and teamwork skills. If you have any questions on ways to get your child active, or on how much / what type of exercise they should be performing please email [email protected]. Jay is a Physiotherapist and the Co-Owner and Director at Gecko Sports Gold Coast Central. Find more information about Gecko Sports at You can reach out to Jay by email at [email protected]
Whats on…. Australia Day on The Gold Coast and Northern NSW

Are you on the Gold Coast or Northern New South Wales and looking for something to do this Australia Day? We have compiled a list of celebrations below: Happy Australia Day! NORTHERN GOLD COAST The Gathering Feel Good Festival What: Inaugural music festival with 12 international DJs and Tee Pee Village. Licensed 18+ When & Where: From Midday to 10pm at Country Paradise Parklands on Beaudesert-Nerang Rd, Nerang Australia Day Golf Event at Links Hope Island What: Pie eating competition, sausage sizzle, thong throwing and a round of golf. Prizes for best dressed golf cart When & Where: 7.30am to 6pm at Hope Island Road, Hope Island. One Nation Broadwater Australia Day Barbecue What: Free sausage sizzle and open discussion with members of the party When & Where: 8.30am to 11.30am at Paradise Point Parklands Celebrate Aussie Day at the Boardwalk Tavern What: Mud crab racing from 2pm, food specials and live music When & Where: 10am to 10pm at 8 Santa Barbara Rd, Hope Island Guanaba Country Music Club Australia Day Party What: Come dressed in ‘Okker’ fashion, trivia quiz, other games, music, kid friendly When & Where: 11am to 4pm at The Fire station at Heritage Park — 193 Rifle Range Road, Pimpama Zumba What: Australia-themes dress up Zumba class When & Where: 6.30pm at Upper Coomera Community Centre, Abraham Rd Upper Coomera Runaway Bay Tavern Australia Day Event What: Pig racing with proceeds to Variety children’s charity, live music, cold drinks and a barbecue When & Where: 12pm to 10pm at 10-12 Lae Drive, Runaway Bay SOUTHERN GOLD COAST Burleigh Swim Run What: Community fitness event for kids to adults at Burleigh beach When & Where: 6am to 10am at Burleigh Heads Lifeguard Tower Currumbin RSL Australia Day Creekside What: Live music, face painting, trivia, totem tennis, and native tucker (kid friendly) When & Where: 10am onwards at 165 Duringan Street, Currumbin North Burleigh SLSC BBQ in the Park What: Free event with food stalls, music and games for the kids. When & Where: 11am — 3pm at Ed Hardy Park, The Esplanade, Miami. Dog and Parrot Tavern Australia Day What: Triple J’s Hottest 100, games for the kids, free sausage sizzle and comedy at 7.30pm When & Where: 11am to 10pm at 2 Scottsdale Drive, Robina Australia Day at the Coolangatta Hotel What: Live music, food and drink specials, giveaways and more When & Where: 9am to 11pm at Cnr Warner Street & Marine Parade, Coolangatta Burleigh Pro Surf Comp What: First day of four-day surfing event, part of the World Surf League and attracting some of Australia’s best surfers When & Where: 8am to 4pm at Goodwin Terrace, Burleigh Heads BBQ, Brews and Bites What: Live DJs, delicious Australia Day specialties from Fish Lab, Pure Meats and Coming Home Co and plenty of games for the kids. When & Where: 11am — 7pm, outside The Kitchens, Robina CENTRAL GOLD COAST Australia Day at the Broadwater Parklands What: Largest ever firework display on the Gold Coast, food trucks, live music and sporting zone When & Where: 4pm to 8pm at Southport Broadwater Parklands, Marine Pde at Southport on the Great Lawn Australia Day at Southport Sharks What: Face painting, dance show, reptile show and lunch at Frenzy Food Court When & Where: 1pm onwards at Cnr Musgrave and Olsen Ave, Southport Australia Day at Benowa Tavern What: Aussie-themed dishes on special as well as a barbecue, a thong throwing competition and a lamington eating event held after lunch. When & Where: 10am to 5pm at 117 Ashmore Road, Benowa Australia Day celebrations at RSL Club Southport What: Aussie tucker, Aussie trivia, face painting, music and giveaways When & Where: 10am to 1.30am at 36 Scarborough Street, Southport Australia Day by Nobby’s Beach Surf Lifesaving Club What: Thong pong, hermit crab racing and a pie eating competition When & Where: 10am to 6pm at 25 Albatross Avenue, Nobby Beach Cabana Bar & Lounge Presents Australia Day! What: Toad races, Triple J’s Hottest 100, sausage sizzle and Aussie-themed cocktails When & Where: 12pm to 11pm at Southport Sharks, Cnr Musgrave & Olsen aves, Southport Aussie Day BBQ At Hard Rock Cafe Surfers Paradise What: Drinks and barbecue on the deck, Aussie hot dogs. $24.95 per ticket When & Where: 12pm — 10pm at Cnr Cavill Ave & Surfers Bvd, Surfers Paradise Australia Day at Southport Yacht Club What: Raffles, prizes for best dressed and lunch looking over the water When & Where: 12pm — 4pm at 1 Macarthur Parade, Main Beach The Wallaby Hotel What: Live music, a pie eating competition, a thong throwing event and a free barbecue When & Where: From 10 at 45 Railway St, Mudgeeraba HINTERLAND Advancetown Tavern Aussie Day Event What: Face painting, balloon artist, jumping castles, pig races to raise money for the rural fire brigade and live music When: 10am — 10pm Where: 402 Nerang Murwillumbah Road, Advancetown The Grumpies Rock Australia Day What: Live music by The Grumpies, pig racing, jumping castle and more When: 11am — 11pm Where: Tamborine Mountain Memorial Sports Centre, 6-12 Beacon Rd, Tamborine North Bearded Dragon’s Australia Day Weekend What: Australian-themed activity tent, colouring competition, thong throwing, Aussie tucker, live music, reptile show, cane toad racing, lamington scoffing, prizes for best dressed and much more When & Where: From 11.30am at Cnr Tamborine Mountain Rd & Beenleigh-Beaudesert Rd Tamborine NORTHERN NSW Tweed Shire Awards and Citizenship Ceremony What: 50 new citizens pledging citizenship and the annual shire awards When & Where: 11am to 12.30pm Twin Towns Clubs and Resorts Tumbulgum Community Australia Day Celebration What: Free community barbecue breakfast, awards, music, craft workshops, cricket challenge When & Where: 8am to 4pm at Brian Breckenridge, Bawden St, Tumbulgum Kingscliff Lions Australia Day Breakfast What: Breakfast, flag-raising ceremony and Aussie games When & Where: From 7am at Lions Park, Marine Parade Kingscliff Australia Day Paddle What: Paddle from Wategos to Main Beach When & Where: 8am registration and 10am paddle Aussie Barbecue What: Free sausage sizzle,
Why ‘Me Time’ is so Important

In today’s busy world, it’s easy to put everyone else first. With the demands of work and family, it might not feel like there’s much time left over for you. Perhaps you even feel guilty about taking time for yourself? Every morning I go to the gym. 5 days a week. With my 2 children. They wake around 6am, we have a little play, get dressed, eat breakfast then we are straight in the car and off to the gym. This is my ‘me’ time. I don’t feel guilty, I make it a priority. Once I have released some endorphins, I feel recharged and ready for the day. I am happier, my mind is clearer, my body is healthier, and I can tackle the day in a more positive way. On days that I am not able to get this ‘me’ time due to kids being sick or for whatever the reason may be, I find my head isn’t as clear, I’m not as positive, the kids whinging and fighting gets to me much more and I’m not the best version of myself that I want to be for my kids. My kids have now learnt to make the gym part of their routine, they wake up and get excited to go. My eldest (2.5yrs) tries to join in on some of the exercises and I love this. Not only is she having fun, she’s learning that exercise is an important part of life. She is watching mum and forming healthy habits that she will hopefully continue throughout her life. ‘Me’ time doesn’t have to be going o the gym. ‘Me time’ can be anything that clears your mind, recharges the batteries and lets you de-stress. It can be going for a swim at the beach, catching up with some friends, having a date night with your partner, going to work or running a business. I run a business, a Babysitting Agency called Coastal Babysitters. I love working on my business and setting my own goals. I also class this as ‘me time’. I also love the fact that I’m able to help other mums and dads have their own ‘me time’. Make yourself a priority. The happier and healthier you are, the more you can do for your family. After all, you can’t give when you’re running on empty. I saw a great quote on Facebook last week, ‘Next time you go to say I don’t have time, say it’s not a priority and see how that feels’.
Christmas Toy Drive

Christmas Toy Drive for Radio Lollipop and ACT for Kids Christmas for me is my favourite time of the year. Bright lights, Christmas trees up, Santa everywhere, it brings with it, a happy feel. But… Christmas isn’t happy for everyone, there are children out there that are sick, from struggling families, children without parents and for many other reasons will go without happiness this Christmas. Christmas is a time for giving. There is nothing better than seeing a child smiling and that is why Coastal Babysitters is doing a Christmas Toy Drive where we will be collecting donations of Brand New Toys and toys in excellent condition to donate to children in need. We have 2 drop off points on the Gold Coast which are: Beach Food Cafe in Burleigh Heads. Fuji International Kindergarten in Robina. All our Brand New Toys will be donated to the following charities: Radio Lollipop – A children’s charity providing care, comfort, play and entertainment to children in hospital. ACT for kids – Provide free therapeutic support for thousands of kids and families that have been abused or neglected. Coastal Babysitters would like to donate our used toys that are in excellent condition to local members of the Gold Coast community that are in need. It can be for various reasons, but if you know a family that is in need or you are a family yourself that is in need, please reach out to us as we would love to help you.. Please phone myself, Orly on 0479 087 595 I look forward to hearing from you all and I hope we can make a different to many, many children this Christmas. Orly xx
Gold Coast Vacation Care

Gold Coast Vacation Care In Your Own House ‘Mum, I don’t want to go to Gold Coast Vacation Care today!’ Sound familiar?? Its 7am on the sunny Gold Coast, your kids are still in bed and you need to be at work in less than 2 hours! Gold Coast school holidays have started, your children just want to sleep in, laze around the house, not have to be anywhere but you need to be at work by 9! Not only do you need to be at work at 9, you need to make sure your little darlings are up early, had breakfast, dressed, lunches packed and ready for the day before you drop them off at a friend’s house or to Vacation Care. By the time you get the kids to where they need to be and get yourself to work, you’re exhausted! Coastal Babysitters can provide a solution…. Gold Coast Vacation Care to your doorstep… Did you know that our babysitters only charge $25/hr for up to 2 children and $30/hr for up to 5 children. ($28.60 booking fee also applies) Why not combine families that both parents need to work? This Gold Coast vacation care option can work out cheaper than any other Gold Coast childcare option and you don’t have to drop of pick up your children from anywhere! Imagine only having to get yourself ready and walk out the door! We come to your home! The kids are still sleeping…. let them, we can get them ready once they wake up. If the children want to go to the beach, we can take them. The children want to stay home and play, let us take care of them without you having to worry. We can take them on an excursion, anywhere on the Gold Coast. All our Gold Coast babysitters have their Blue Card, First Aid and CPR Certificate and are either mums themselves or have at least 3years experience in childcare. For more information or to book, phone us on 1300 229 877 or visit our website
Choosing a Babysitter

What to look for when choosing a babysitter. You desperately need some time to yourself… You’ve been wanting a date night for months now but haven’t been able to get the children minded… You need to attend an appointment but you just can’t find the time… You feel guilty because you’ve asked your family or friends too many times to help look after the kids but you don’t want to leave your kids with just anybody! Having a reliable, fun and professional babysitter that you can rely on is so important. It gives you that feeling of freedom and being able to have some time for yourself. All every parent wants for their child is the best, and especially when you are away from them, you want to know that your child is in the best care. I have put together a list of what to look for when choosing a babysitter for your little ones: Check Their References When you interview a babysitter, this is a must. This is the person you are trusting your children’s lives with and you want to make sure they are who they say and they have the experience that they say. Don’t be afraid to ring families that they have babysat for in the past to ask what they were like with their children and what duties were performed. Check their Qualifications To be able to work with children in Queensland, you must hold a Blue Card which is a background check on the person that holds the card. Always make sure they are in possession of a valid Blue Card. It is also wise to make sure they have a current First Aid and CPR certificate to deal with any emergencies. Interview Make sure you conduct an interview before hiring a babysitter. Write a list of questions relevant to your family. We will all have the standard questions such as age, availability, experience etc, but make it more targeted to what you need for your family. Do you need the kids picked up from school? Do you need someone to make snacks or dinner if you’re stuck at work? If so, ask questions such as how they are in the kitchen or what is their favourite kids ‘go to meal’ or their knowledge and experience about driving with kids in the car. Invite the Babysitter for a Trial This way you can see her style and how they interact with your children. Observe and see her playfulness, professionalism, or how she generally interacts with the children. Most importantly, see how the children react to her and the connection they make as they are going to be the ones spending the most time with her. Trust your Gut Instinct! On paper, your potential babysitter may have it all…. BUT…. There’s something you don’t like and you can’t put your finger on it… Trust your instincts! If this all seems like too much, why not let Coastal Babysitters do it all for you. We provide experienced, professional and reliable babysitters you can trust anywhere from the Gold Coast to Byron Bay. All our babysitters have gone through a thorough interview process and been reference checked. They must all have their Blue Card, Current CPR and First Aid certificate. All our Gold Coast and Byron Bay Babysitters are either MUMS themselves or have at least 3 years’ experience working with children. Being a mum of 2 young girls myself, on top of having all the above, I trust my gut instinct and would never hire anybody that I wouldn’t feel comfortable looking after my own children. So next time you’re stuck for a babysitter on the Gold Coast or Byron Bay, we’d love to help. Visit our website for more information. Orly x
Gold Coast Mums, this event is for you!

Gold Coast Mums! We all know how important it is for us mums to have some ‘adult’ time without the kids in order to be the best version of ourselves. If you’re thinking ‘how am I supposed to do this when i don’t know anyone in the area or what am I supposed to do with my kids’? This networking event held by LOL mums every third Wednesday of the month, is the perfect solution. Coastal Babysitters will be there to look after your children and make sure they are entertained, rested and happy so you do not need to worry about them and can enjoy yourselves for the whole 3 hours. Not only this, you will have the chance to meet like minded mums from all around the Gold Coast. The first event will be at RACV Royal Pines Resort and we are looking forward to meeting you and your little ones. In the meantime, join the Facebook page @LOLmums for more information and below is a BLOG post from Monster Spray Mum. I searched google “mums networking group” about a week ago looking for other like minded mums. What I found was nothing! I found a lot of mum’s networking groups but the biggest thing was I could not attend with kids? I’m a mum therefore I have kids, what do I do with my kids so I can attend the group? I have discovered from personal experience, that being at home for lengthy periods, with your kids, can drive you nuts. You know the old saying that “it takes a village to raise a child” well they are right. Because Mum (or the full time carer) does need support to raise that child & more so, if that Mum has more than one child. Mum’s need other Mum’s and grown up conversation to keep them sane. We, as a community, need to support mums and encourage children’s need for social interaction, for them to grow into wonderful, well rounded leaders of the future. Staying at home and being insular, is not the answer for either Mum or Child. I was disturbed by this, enough to do something about it. I am starting a group called LOL Mum’s. LOL to our group stands for Labour Of Love (& also laughing out loud is encouraged loads at our event). It was beautifully coined by a friend of mine’s amazing Mum, that is struggling with her health at the moment, while discussing this topic in hospital with her. So what do ladies love to do: Dress Up, Lunch, Shop & Be Inspired! So this is what we are going to do. On the third Wednesday of every month, we will host an event for you all to dress up and attend, with your kids! Yes with your Kids! I can hear the “oh with the kids?” but wait there’s more…. We have organised, that the kids be fed, watered and entertained in the adjoining room. We have fully qualified sitters that can look after your kids for the three hours, weather they need to sleep or be entertained the sitters can handle it. Also they are just next door, so you can always check in, if you feel you need to. It will be an intimate (25 attendees maximum) lunch time event from 11am until 2pm – Somewhere swanky with fabulous parking, so it feels like you are on holidays, even if its only for three hours. We will be encouraging all attendees to bring your pre-loved clothes (so clean our those cupboards and bring along anything that doesn’t fit for both kids and ladies) so we can add them to racks for a clothes swap. Free Shopping – Gota love that! With any clothes left over we will donate them to charity. We will also have the best motivational speakers from Nutritionists, Kid Ranglers, EFT Specialists, Mum Friendly Fitness Experts, Life Coaches, Financial Advisers, Mumpreneurs and the list goes on! I believe, that with a little bit more “village” behind our Mum’s, it will make our “village” a much better place for everyone. I have a Facebook page set up and ready to join. Join our Facebook page to see the locations or if you have a location please suggest it on that page. Please express your interest through our Facebook page (simply search) @lolmums or you can contact me directly on [email protected] I am looking forward to meeting some of you on the 20th September 2017 for our Launch Lunch